Sunday, February 28, 2010

Beep Beep!

     Trukk is DONE! I'm very happy with the trukk. The only thing I wasn't thrilled with was the gunner. He doesn't want to fit in the gunner's mount so well. I managed to get him glued in such that it wasn't a problem, but other than that, I think everything came together quite well. I've got some extra little bitz I'm going to be attaching to the trukk later, and I'll post pics when I do.

     I've ordered some more fun stuff. I have five squigs headed my way as well as Vulcan Hestan, which represents my baby steps back into the SM arena. My goal is to have a Salamanders variant of my core SM army ready within the next six months. I do have plenty more Orks to do, but I've purchased the last of my Orks for my 1500 point list. The only things I'm desperate to add to my Orks are a Deff dread and a weird boy. Those are more just for S&Gs so I'm in no great hurry.

     I stopped by my CLGS and ran into a new face. He's another Navy guy who is getting back into 40K. Excellent news! I was happy to lend him some advice about our CLGS. He informed me that he was completing an Eldar army at the moment. Our CLGS has a terrible Eldar player that has effectively ruined the army in the eyes of the regulars because he's an absolute power gamer and doesn't exactly play the rules so well. Saying "Eldar" around the store usually elicits some rather negative responses. One of my friends from work who's also getting back into 40K is playing Eldar as well and found this to be the reception. I told him that it was up to him to change everyones' mind. God speed Sean... God speed.

     Here are some more shots of my trukk:


  1. awesome work on the truck loving the rust effects and the orange rocks

  2. I never noticed how dinky the rear diff is on those Trukks. I suppose the only thing keeping it from grenading is Orky willpower...

  3. Well you have to remember that it's most likely modeled by a Brit. They're not exactly fans of the large truck. ;)
