Sunday, November 29, 2009

Telion is going to reach out and touch somebody

I finished this Telion model for my Prodigal Sons Space Marine chapter  just recently. I'm digging it, but I can't help but feel that I could have done a bit better with this. This is an okay model, not super inspiring, but his rules are just absolutely awesome. He is taken as an upgrade to a scout unit. His ballistic skill is 6 which means a 2+ to hit, and if you roll a 1, you re-roll and hit on a 6. His "Stalker Pattern Bolter" is 36" S4 Heavy 2, rending, and pinning. So sorta a sniper rifle that he double-taps. What's more you allocate the wounds, not the opposing player. He can also forgo his shooting attack and loan his BS6 to any other model in his unit. Wow! Totally worth the 50 points. Oh and weapon skill of 5. Crazy.

I was constructing a post the other day about how I've actually ventured out an started playing 40K at the local game store. In the midst of, what can only be described as an "epic post," the power cut and all was lost. I'll summarize it here.

I've played three games. I faced Eldar, Dark Angels, and Codex Marines (in that order). It was a loss, a draw, and a win. The game types were Annihilation, Annihilation, and Command and Control (D3 + 2 objectives, which resulted in 3 objectives for my game).

The Eldar player was a bit of a shark, come to find out. Pretty much 100% of the people I've spoken with at the store warned me (after the fact of course) that he's not to be trusted. I experienced a lot of regret and bitterness about the game, after the fact. Reflection upon the game lead me to discover that he look some enormous liberties with the rules. I don't know if these were intentional or honest mistakes. He told me, prior to the game, that he had been playing 40K off and on for about five years. I can write off some of his mistakes as remembering the wrong edition rules, but other rules he dropped on me... I'm not so sure. We played on a 4x4 board at 1000 points and that just didn't feel right for a start. I won't go any further but to say that I certainly won't be playing him again.

The Dark Angel player was a Navy man, like myself. He was fairly new to 40K, had an interesting list, and a great spirit for the game. We were both bumbling our way through the rule books from time to time but at the end, we had a terrific game. 1500 pts. and I honestly could have won that sucker if we'd gone just one more round. Hehe. Maybe next time.

The Codex Marine player was very enjoyable to play against. We both came to have fun, not just win. As a result, we had a great time, shared some laughs, and played some 40K. The fact that I won really came down to the fact that he kinda stopped playing the mission and got a little caught up in killing my guys. I don't think they play too many objective missions at this store.

Now the amount of unpainted armies is shocking to me. I'm obviously new to the hobby/game, but I guess I didn't know just how unusual it was to have a fully painted, fully based army. I've received a ton of compliments from gamers and passersby which is great. I've found myself in the sudden position of being the guy these people are going to for painting advice. Weird... I've not been doing this for even a year.

Here are some more pics of Telion for ya:


  1. He looks good.

    Fully painted and based armies are a rarity these days it seems... few and far between.

  2. I suppose it comes down to a decision of hobby or gaming. People tend to choose gaming. Time on the table means time away from the paints. It's sad because I don't think you have to put THAT much effort into, say a Space Marine army to get a satisfying result. Just some simple dry brushing and then some details picked out will do wonders. I mean, when you're playing, it's hard to see 90% of the details on the models anyways, but the smallest thing, like a color theme, ties it all together and kinda gives your army a "point" to it.

    I'm hoping to convince more people at this local store to do a little painting. We'll see.
